After working with over 25 developers, Tomasz is one of my go-to developers.
By giving him more business background into the why of each user story, he is able to make intelligent
implementations without me babysitting him. He is very comfortable with iterating very quickly,
test driven development and trying out new technologies.
While his hourly/daily price tag is in the middle to high range, since he is so effective,
he ends up costing less than a less experienced and slower developer.
Hello, I'm Tomasz Subik, a software engineer working remotly for almost a decade.
I gained my experience helping companies all around the world, crafting various apps, web and mobile, wearing many hats, working on backend and frontend.
To know more, please take a look at my CV here.
Latest tech stack: Ruby on Rails, React, Node.js, frameworks come and go, flexibility and curiosity is more important.
You can mail me at [email protected] or use the contact form to write me a message.
You can check my activity on Github.
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I have many fond memories of working with Tomasz for a few years. What impressed me most was his
open-mindedness. His work was always solid and delivered on time. No matter how difficult case was,
solutions he implemented were creative, effective and done with high quality. Beside of creativity,
I want to emphasize his collaboration and communication skills, thanks to which both team
and clients remember him very fondly.